John M. Campbell
JohnMCampbell.com is the official website of science fiction author John M. Campbell. Portrait photo by Sidney Brock.
Weird Wilderness is Now on Sale!
WordFire Press has released its latest anthology of short stories, titled Weird Wilderness: A Cryptid Bestiary, published for the benefit of scholarships to attend Superstars Writing Seminars. This edition contains twenty stories featuring cryptids, creatures that are rumored to exist but have never been proven. The book includes my story, "The Alien Hunter."
Garry is a Gargo, an alien living peaceably in the mountains of Colorado, an area that resembles the environment of his home world. Judy is the alien hunter intent on tracking down the aliens who threaten the creatures of Earth. Local hunters have spotted a werewolf near the Canadian border, and Judy is out to eliminate it. She may be heading into a situation she won't survive, but will Garry risk his own anonymity to help her?