I attended the Colorado Book Awards announcement ceremony last Saturday, 10 June 2023, where Bizarre Bazaar was a finalist in the Anthology category. (My story, "Racing the Marineris," is one of the stories in the anthology, all of which came from members of the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers.) I drove down to Colorado Springs from my Denver home, travelling through several rain squalls that have been prevalent most afternoons in the last few weeks. The ceremony took place at the Penrose House.
The Anthology category was announced first, and the winner was Denver Noir, a very deserving book. By coincidence, Amy Drayer, one of the editors of Bizarre Bazaar, had a story in Denver Noir, as did Mark Stevens, a previous winner of the RMFW Writer of the Year and past winner of the Colorado Book Award for his mystery novel, Trapline (2015). I just mention them as authors I know who inspire me. As it is, I was happy to be part of a book that Colorado Humanities and Center for the Book selected as a finalist for their award.

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